Andel Aunjai


Pronouns: she/they

Year at SDSU: 2nd

Major: Biochemistry

Hometown: Yasothon, Thailand + Austin, TX

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Thai


  • 2022-2023 VELvet ⚔️

Favorite APSA Memory: M^4 Night during the fall and Fall fambam

Drink Order (boba & starbucks):

1) Jasmine milk tea, 75% sweetness, less ice, boba, and grass jelly

2) Taro milk tea, 100% sweetness, boba

3) grande iced matcha latte with strawberry puree and cold foam

4) grande iced chai with oat milk

3 Things You Can't Live W/o:

1) my airpods

2) my water bottle (the big one)

3) my glasses

6 Word Story: introspective, firm, jovial, complex, eccentric, charismatic

What's the first question you ask when you meet someone?: What kind of music do you listen to?

What song represents you and why?: I Feel Best When I'm Alone - Michael Seyer, like the title I feel the most myself when I get to spend my time alone and reflect. I value solitude at times becuase it lets me regain my energy and focus on myself.

If you could get work done in your sleep, and still feel well rested in the morning, what would you have gotten done?: I would probably do laundry.