Year at SDSU: 3rd Year

Major: Kinesiology Pre-Physical Therapy

Hometown: Garden Grove, CA

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Vietnamese American


  • 2018-2019: CHaMpion
  • 2019-2020: Activities Fam!

Favorite APSA Memory: My favorite APSA memory would have to have been my first Fam Bam. I just had so much fun meeting new people and playing all these fun games. Having a family really helped create my first sense of community since I've been at state and made my transition to state a lot more fun.

Biggest Accomplishment: My biggest accomplishment beside getting into San Diego state would have to be that time I listened to 89,895 minutes of music on Spotify in 2019

Obsessions: Watching youtube videos, Investing, Trying new boba places, Playing video games, Trying new foods.

Talents: I can play badminton, I can do a stitch impression, I can kind of cook.

Pet Peeves: People who are mean.

Favorite Boba Flavor: Oolong milk tea

Song that represent you: Post Malone (Feat. Rani) by. Sam Feldt

If you were turned into a platypus tomorrow and had $1,000, what would be the first thing you would buy? Why?

Response: I would buy a very expensive fedora and become my idol, Perry the platypus.