Deanna Krystel Magpali


Year at SDSU: Second

Major: Psychology

Hometown: cries in military kid I don't really have one, but I just say I'm from Chula Vista currently

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Filipino cue lemonade


  • 2019-2020: COBra aka COBblestone aka BEST fam aka Top 2 aka WINNERS!

Favorite APSA Memory: Spring FamBam because I was closer with more people there and my friends all got to go. Plus, everyone was hyping each other up and being wholesome <3 data-preserve-html-node="true"

Biggest Accomplishment: So far? Getting into SDSU actually, I'm really glad I'm here :)

Obsessions: TikTok!!! SERIOUSLY if you don't have it you need it or you just don't understand any references or jokes or anything! But also Disney!

Talents: singer, dancer, actress, comedian, musician, magician, cooker, baker, headstander, tiktoker on the side, star of Deanna's topic of the DAYYYY, and chocolate milk connoisseur ;) (0:00-0:17)

Pet Peeves: slow walkers O_O

Favorite Boba Flavor: Honey black milk tea or strawberry matcha

Song that represent you: Pretty Girl Rock- Keri Hilson

If you were turned into a platypus tomorrow and had $1,000, what would be the first thing you would buy? Why?

Response: A fedora, It's my chance to be a secret agent!