
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year at SDSU: 3rd

Major: Mechanical Engineering w/ a Bioengineering Emphasis, Pre-Med

Hometown: Temecula, CA

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Filipino-American


  • 2020-2021: MilKeD

Favorite APSA Memory: Fambam with MilKeD fam. Did I mention we won? ;)

Obesessions: Winnie the Pooh (I have like 10 plushies of him)

Talents: Dancing

Pet Peeves: The sound of someone picking out food in their teeth with their tongue

Favorite Dessert: Ice cream :p

Biggest Accomplishment: Getting a 4.0 GPA while full-time at both college and work (p.s. I don’t recommend but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!)

Which celebrity (or celebrities) would you like to be roommates with ? Why?

Response: Not sure if you’d consider them celebrities but YouTubers Ali Abdaal and Matt D’Avella because they’re hyper-productive and ‘minimalists’ so I figure it’d be motivating to be around them and they’d be tidy.