Pronouns: she/her/hers

Year at SDSU: 2nd

Major: electrical engineering

Hometown: chula vista

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: filipino


  • 2021-2022: EteRnal ⏳
  • 2022-2023: strEAmer 👾 (Parent)

Favorite APSA Memory: fam bam

Describe yourself in a hashtag: #clown

Skill(s) You're Working on Mastering: break dancing

Pet Peeves: leaving me on read, ppl ignoring me when i know they’re on their phone, skirts over leggings or jeggings, ppl who don’t know how to signal, slow drivers, ppl who don’t look at me when i’m talking to u

Obsessions: Claire Kuo

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: music, Claire Kuo, and food

Weirdest Word in English Language: salmon like why is the L there if ur not gonna pronounce it

Go-To Boba Order: milk tea w boba 100% sugar n ice or passion fruit green tea w lychee jelly

All Time Favorite Piece of Cinema: crazy rich asians

Song You Can Listen on Repeat: give me your forever - zack tabudlo

Favorite Time: 2am