Pronouns: she/her

Year at SDSU: 2nd

Major: IS3D: Psychology, Communication, Multimedia Art

Hometown: Orange County

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Half Thai, half Belgian


  • 2021-2022: haMMer 🔨
  • 2022-2023: VELvet ⚜️ (Parent)

Favorite APSA Memory: Doing the mock E^2 Scavenger Hunt at night

Describe yourself in a hashtag: #SunshineEnthusiast

Skill(s) You're Working on Mastering: Driving 😅

Pet Peeves: When people are on their phones while they're hanging out with you :(

Obsessions: chai tea lattes, nice quotes, Stray Kids, Death Note, reading, drawing, and discovering new songs

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: Music, friends, and sushi

Weirdest Word in English Language: Funner. It sounds like it shouldn't be a word, but it is, and it's weird but I love it.

Go-To Boba Order: Thai tea, standard sweetness and ice

All Time Favorite Piece of Cinema: I don't have a favorite, but I do enjoy Call Me By Your Name (I know it's controversial, I just like the aesthetics T-T)

Song You Can Listen on Repeat: Wavy by pH-1

Favorite Time: 1:00pm because I've already eaten lunch, the sun is shining, and there is still a lot of the day left :)