Year at SDSU: 3rd Year

Major: Computer Science

Hometown: Chula Vista

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: White / Mexican


  • 2018-2019: VolTaJe
  • 2019-2020: brEaKfaSt

Favorite APSA Memory: My First Fambam

Biggest Accomplishment: My fastest 5k is 19:21 and my fastest mile is 5:26

Obsessions: Computer Science, Video Games, and Exercising (Running or the Gym)

Talents: I can program, I can put in the USB correctly on the first try, and I can run long distances pretty well.

Pet Peeves: Asking me about my pet peeves, and people who litter smh

Favorite Boba Flavor: Taro

Song that represent you: The Pokemon Theme, its hype not gonna lie

If you were turned into a platypus tomorrow and had $1,000, what would be the first thing you would buy? Why?

Response: Buy any means to go to the Tri State Area and find Major Monogram, I think we all know why :^)