Xavier Major



Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year at SDSU: 3rd

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Hometown: San Diego

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Japanese/Filipino/White


  • 2019-2020: COBra
  • 2020-2021: NuMBer (Parent)

Favorite APSA Memory: Winning Fam Bam first semester of my first year WOOOO COBRA NO. 1!!!!

Obesessions: Eating eggs, playing souls-like video games, and driving the homies

Talents: I can walk across a slackline backwards and do 1 parkour move

Pet Peeves: When people take my pens without asking

Favorite Dessert: Salted caramel ice cream

Biggest Accomplishment: I've won all of my official Jiu Jitsu tournaments

Which celebrity (or celebrities) would you like to be roommates with ? Why?

Response: Barry Mac because he puts the money in the penny