Chloe Morimoto


Pronouns: She/Her

Year at SDSU: Sophomore

Major: Art Empahsis in Graphic Design

Hometown: San Mateo, CA

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Japanese/Chinese


  • 2022-2023 CLouDy

Favorite APSA Memory: Tie between fall semester fambam and FTS (being in WOW)

What's your drink order? (boba and/or Starbucks): Jasmine milk tea with puddding or boba depending on my mood

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: my headphones, water, food

Six Word Story: I’d love food, I’ll check yelp

What's the first question you ask when you meet someone for the first time?: What’s your favorite food?

What song represents you and why?: at the moment baby shred by luna li - i just like the song tbh

If you could get work done in your sleep, and still feel well rested in the morning, what would you have gotten done?: homework