Ben Etheridge


Pronouns: He/Him/His

Year at SDSU: 2nd

Major: Chemistry emphasis in biochemistry

Hometown: Murrieta, CA

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Filipino American


  • 2022-2023 VELvet ⚔️

Favorite APSA Memory: 2022 Night Market because that's when I met some of my closest friends in APSA and found a place where I could let go and be myself.

Drink Order (Boba/Starbucks):

  • boba: hokkaido milk tea or any green tea
  • starbucks: iced peach green tea lemonade

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: Music, family, friends

Six Word Story: Nothing lasts forever and that's okay!

What's the first question you ask when you meet someone for the first time?: What kind of music do you listen to/Who's your favorite artist

What song represents you and why?: After the Storm by Kali Uchis because I went through hard times, but when I pushed through them I became the best version of myself

If you could get work done in your sleep, and still feel well rested in the morning, what would you have gotten done?: homework, studying, work, watching class lectures, and midterms