Kimo Dariano


Pronouns: he, him, his

Year at SDSU: Senior+

Major: Electrical Engineering

Hometown: Chula Vista

Ethnicity/Ethnicities I Identify As: Filipino


  • 2019-2020: brEaKfaSt 🍳
  • 2020-2021: NuMBer 🔢
  • 2021-2022: LMaoshake 🤣
  • 2022-2023: CroiSsAnt 🥐

Favorite APSA Memory: Singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads" for APSA Music in the Fall 2019 Night Market!

Drink Order (boba) I love Mango Smoothies 😎

3 Things You Can't Live W/o: My glasses, phone, computer.

Skill(s) You're Working on Mastering: A skill that I'm working on is learning how to box.

Six Word Story: Antifragile, Fearless, Compassionate, Hype Boy, Understanding, Devout

What's the first question you ask someone when you meet them?: Do you play League of Legends? (such a red flag question off the bat)

What song represents you and why?: Yellow - Coldplay because it's a soothing song and I think I provide a relaxing atmosphere!

"If you could get work done in your sleep, and still feel well rested in the morning, what would you have gotten done? (ie. chores, homework, crocheting project, etc.)": Fold my laundry, do my homework, read up on the impact of the industrial revolution and how it affected our nation for years to come.